24. Free shipping
- Free shipping refers to product orders of at least 199 lei only in the Fan Courier's coverage area .
- For the localities that are not in the Fan Courier coverage area, the delivery cost is communicated by phone/SMS/email. Our website does not calculate this cost.
- The additional cost for external kilometers is paid by the customer.
- Get online the cost for the localities not covered by FanCourier; click on the image to reach the FanCourier website:

Example for an order of products worth 253 lei (Pillow and additional cover) purchased by 2 customers from Iasi county:
1. The customer is from the city of Iasi (the area covered by Fan Courie).
Transport 19 lei, in this case the transport is borne by us.
The customer pays 253 lei (only the products) upon receipt.
2. The customer is from Iasi county, but from Andrieseni , 63 km outside the Fan Courier area.
The cost of transport is 19 + (52*0.8+VAT) lei, i.e. 19+41.6 lei=60.6 lei.
From this amount we pay 19 lei and the customer pays an additional 41.6 lei representing external kilometers.
The customer outside the area pays 253+41.6 lei, i.e. 294.6 lei - the products and additional kilometers.